Monday, June 24, 2013

2012 Movies

1. Moonrise Kingdom

Magical, charming and odd story of two overlooked kids finding the love and attention they need in each other.

2. A Separation (technically 2011)

Gloomy tale of inequality and tragedy in Iran. Tremendous insight into the powerlessness of women and the underclass just trying to survive and live freely.

3. Looper

Rare gem of a sci-fi film with a brain and a big heart, and it's even rarer to find a time travel movie that makes as much sense as Looper did.

4. Django Unchained

Nobody does revenge like QT.

5. Goon

So funny, so sweet. Great example of how something so formulaic -- the classic underdog sports movie -- can be well-executed with a few clever jokes and a great cast. Very re-watchable as well.

6. Cabin in the Woods

Clever horror film was a hilarious, over-the-top bloodbath.

7. Queen of Versailles

Perfectly timed doc about excess and the impact of the recession on a couple trying to build the biggest home in America.

8. Take This Waltz

Often felt like a masterpiece relationship drama. At times it was breathtaking, especially the way Sarah Polley and Co. shot it, and the way it lingered on certain important moments that are normally sped through in these types of films was refreshing.

9. Beasts of the Southern Wild

The kid's performance is an all-timer.

10. Argo

Solid thriller.

11. Wreck-It-Ralph

Extremely clever and original, reminds me of Scott Pilgrim in the way it successfully integrated video games into the plot. Also very funny ("children of the candy corn"). Dramatically more inventive than "Brave" and thus the only thing at the Oscars that really annoyed me.

12. The Avengers

Just a goofy action movie, but it's fun enough. I'm amazed that Whedon mostly pulled this off but the sprawling cast and the dopey villain hurt it a little.

13. Chronicle

Another kind of unoriginal premise -- high schoolers get super powers! found footage! -- executed well.

14. Indie Game: The Movie

Hit the right note in that the programmers behind the games are often whiny and irritating but you root for them anyway because they're 1) underdogs 2) making awesome games on their own.

16. Life of Pi

One of the most visually stunning movies you'll see. Adaptation was necessarily a little clunky and the story is just full of dumb decisions like NOT KILLING THE TIGER EVERY TIME YOU HAVE THE CHANCE. If a vicious animal is trying to kill and eat you every day and you can make that stop, do not send him a Facebook friend request instead.

17. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Pleasantly entertaining. Chemistry goes a long way. Didn't buy that Emily Blunt spent much of the movie missing and mourning a guy she knew for only three weeks, though.

18. Ruby Sparks

Refreshingly dark indie romance

19. ParaNorman

Cool and scary, but was too scary for kids and not quite aimed at adults. Looked gorgeous, though.

20. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Mostly terrific except for the clunky way they integrated the kid's mental problems.

21. The Master

Many brilliant pieces, just didn't really add up to a satisfying whole.

22. Lincoln

Well acted, but it's mostly a 2.5 hour long movie about congressional procedure. All these interesting pieces in motion -- slaves, African Americans in the North, the war going on -- and we spend an hour watching James Spader trying to bribe people for votes?

23. Sinister

Extremely creepy, but if your house is trying to murder you every night you should probably think about moving BEFORE it finishes the job. SELLER'S MARKET.

24. Ted

Very funny at times. Bonus points for making fun of the worst movie in cinema history, "The Notebook."

25. American Reunion

Surpisingly watchable, but nothing special. Stifler is still funny as hell.

26. Skyfall

As someone who is fairly new to Bond, was he always this boring? If the main character doesn't care about anything, why should I care about him?

27. The Dark Knight Rises

The most disappointing film experience I can remember. When Batman kissed Catwoman at the end, the theater erupted in laughter. That's not good.

28. Flight

The first half was tremendous, and it poses a truly interesting question. Second half turned into a Lifetime movie, complete with ridiculous coincidences and a last-minute change of heart that was as predictable as it was ludicrous.

29. The Expendables 2

I have a hard time defending this, but for a thin cash grab banking on our love of action movie nostalgia I was entertained.

30. Brave

It looked stunning, but it lacked most of the cleverness and wit of most of Pixar's other work.

31. Silver Linings Playbook

Don't get the hype. At all. The world already has one "Dirty Dancing" too many; it definitely does not need another one.

32. Sleepwalk With Me

Meh. Not bad but movies about comedians should be funnier.

33. Thin Ice

Pretty good twist at the end.

34. Your Sister's Sister

The underlying premise felt far-fetched enough to undermine the rest of the movie.

35. 21 Jump Street

The last semi-watchable movie on this list.

36. Prometheus

Muddled, pointless, and poorly cast.

37. Jeff, Who Lives At Home

38. Haywire

39. The Lonliest Planet

Emotionally interesting, but it's hard to slog through a two hour movie that is all buildup and reaction to a single 30-second event. While I don't need to be constantly entertained, I have a problem with films that revel in how boring they are.

40. Savages

Blake Lively can't carry a movie.

41. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia

Interminable bore. Five minutes of story drawn out into over two hours where absolutely nothing happens and what it probably thinks is its big reveal is incredibly far beyond stupid. Another critcally-adored piece of steaming garbage that could not possibly resonate with anyone that has any inclination at all to be entertained by a film.

42. The Campaign

Felt like a missed opportunity, especially with a subject so ripe for parody.

43. Snow White and the Huntsman

Ugh, ugh, ugh. Ripped off scenes from dozens of movies from Shawshank to Willow with silly performances all around.

44. The Amazing Spider-Man

Like a point-by-point remake of the 2002 movie but with zero romantic chemistry and a villian with one of the dumbest plans in maniacal scheme history - "Everyone should be a lizard!" It would have made more sense if he tried to change everyone into a burrito suizo, because that would be delicious.

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